The Green Beret Foundation (GBF) reached out to us about a week ago asking if we could verify an Anthony Travis Nielsen. Someone had reached out to them with concerns about his claims.
When you get to the end of the pictures, click the red bar to expand to more pictures. There are 3 emails apologizing as the last 3 pictures in the picture section.
We did a search in our pay-to-play programs and found the data needed to check his records and saw he wasn't the Green Beret as he has been claiming. We were in dialog with him through the GBF. He told them we had the wrong guy. He questioned why someone would be looking into him. On more than one occasion, he told the GBF the person we were looking into wasn't him and they had the wrong guy. He reaffirmed to them that he did indeed complete The Special Forces Qualification Course in 2009.
He told the GBF his last name wasn't Nielsen. That might not be his birth name, but it is the name he used while he attended Basic Training. We sent him a picture he had shared on his social media of him in AIT. He had forgotten to blacken out his name and you could see his last name was Nielsen.

AIT picture showing the last name Nielsen. He still claimed that wasn't his last name.
Even after we sent him his AIT picture, he still denied Nielson was his last name. He asked the GBF for our phone number and they provided it to him. He said he'd reach out. Crickets...
We texted him, asking if he was going to use the number he was given. He refused to call us. We continued to gather information and told him we would move forward with the article. He threatened a defamation suit if we did. It seems they all say that. We tried calling him a number of times throughout the day and into the evening with no success.
The next day he was sent a screenshot of his name, date of birth, age, and current address. We did this thinking he would finally take our call. It's funny, he still said we had the wrong last name.
Anthony Travis Nielsen was still claiming we had the wrong last name but also wonder why would have his address?
Although we knew beyond doubt we were on the right guy, it's always nice to get a confirmation. With him admitting that was his address, we knew we had him. Either that or there's another guy with that name living in his house without his knowledge. maybe he has a doppelganger he doesn't know about.
It amazing when these frauds lie to you trying to make you think you have the wrong guy. You know they are lying, they know they're lying, they know that you know they're lying... yet they still try to push the doubt.
So, the next day we sent him a picture of his passport and asked him if he still wants to say we're on the wrong guy.

It was getting harder for Anthony Travis Nielsen the fake Green Beret to claim we were on the wrong guy.
While we were trying to get him on the phone we pushed forward with the case and started rough drafting the article. We were in the process of editing down the video when we had the idea of posting an early thread on Instagram asking if anybody had heard him make these claims. We might have held off on that as that was a lost day of nothing but messages, texts, and calls from people that have had dealing with him.
Once we sent him his passport, he changed his mind and decided to call us. We're pretty sure he knew then and there the gig was up. We recorded the call and got a full admission.
You can see a video of him here and hear his confession:
👉Video of him and phone confession👈
If you've had contact with the fake Green Beret Anthony Travis Nielsen, send us an email so we can add it to all the others. We won't use your name or email address.
What have people heard the fake Green Beret Anthony Travis Nielsen claim?
Special Forces Assessment and Selection 2009: False
Special Forces Qualification Course 2009: False
3rd Special Force Group: False
19th Special Forces Group: False
Intel Support: False
18B, Special Forces Weapons Sergeant: False
18E, Special Forces Communications Sergeant: False
18F, Special Forces Intelligence Sergeant: False
What we know Anthony Travis Nielsen the fake Green Beret served on active duty from 2/28/11 until 6/10/11. He went to basic and AIT. We assume he was in the National Guard and he confirmed that over the phone. We had already sent for both California and Utah Guard records. He said he was in the Utah National Guard. There's not really a need to wait on records as we see no additional training whatsoever after AIT in our backchannel search of his records.
As we were writing this, Anthony Travis Nielsen the fake Green Beret texted us a message that we asked him to email. He agreed:

His 3rd apology email
Anthony Travis Nielsen, Anthony Travis, Travis Anthony, Travis Raids, or whatever you're going by at this point in time, you'll now be added to guardiansofthegreenberet hall of zeroes forever.
We talked to friends from long ago and most have said they've severed ties with him and he's been a bullshitter for as long as they can remember.

Anthony Travis Nielson the fake Green Beret in high school.
Below might be one of the few legit pictures of him while he was in the Army.

Anthony Travis the fake Green Beret. At this point in time. This is what we see him accomplishing in the military.
#AnthonyTravis, #AnthonyTravisNielsen, #AnthonyRaids, #TravisAnthony #LiveFastCollective, #LiveFastBrand