Butch Hansen the fake Green Beret was sent to us by someone that saw him claiming to be a Green Beret online. We had one of our investigators reach out to him. He messaged our guy that he was in Pre-Phase when his wife got sick and he had to leave the service. His second wife found the patches and decided to sew them on his vest for him. He said instead of telling her he wasn't a Green Beret, he let her sew them on and started believing the lie.
The only thing about that, is we see no attempt at Pre-Phase. We do see on his 2-1 a number of redacted lines. That usually happens when there corrective action or something bad like going AWOL or being a Deserter.

We then see him as a "Returnee" assigned to USAPCF PROC CO, FT ORD CA, in Oct 1980. Just after a redacted entry. That would mean he went AWOL or Deserter. We noticed this after the phone call or we would have asked him about it.
👉Hear the call in this link👈
At 2:26 in the video, he states "You know what it is when you lie" LOL... not really.
At 8:25 he says he did it out of high esteem and honor. Well, it's not honorable to lie about what you did in the service. In a text to Brian, he said his wife put them on his vest and he just ran with the lie. That's two different excuses for the same lie. It looks like he's lying to cover a lie.

Does that look like a CMB and Master Parachutist badge?
We do wee the 5th Grp flash and SF SSI w/ a long tab. None of it earned.
He said the lie started about 4 years ago. We are guessing that's yet another lie.
How the heck does one get an ARCOM when you are sent to a PCF and reduced in rank to a private? Yet it shows in his summary sheet.
Butch Hansen, you'll now be added to guardiansofthegreenberet.com hall of zeroes.
#ButchHansen, #ButchLynneHansen, #ButchLHansen