We were sent Deputy Police Chief David Morris a while back. We were told he was claiming to be a Green Beret.
We knew within minutes he wasn't a Green Beret because we saw him as a Medical drop from the Basic Airborne Course in 1998. You must be Airborne qualified to even attempt SFQC (Special Forces Qualification Course).
If you've heard Former Roanoke Deputy Police Chief claim to be a Green Beret, Special Forces Qualified, time in combat, or any other thing you want added to this article email us at: contact@guardiansofthegreenberet.com
Your name and email address will be redacted.
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David Morris seemed to be pretty good about keeping most of his claims out of print so we asked the initial person who sent in an email to get others to send in what they've heard him claim. One of those individuals was able to send us his resume, On page 2 of his resume, it clearly states Special Forces Communication Sergeant.

Page 2 of his resume. You clearly see Special Forces Communication Sergeant.
When you claim to be a Special Forces Communications Sergeant, you're claiming to have attended and completed BAC (The Basic Airborne Course) SAFS (Special Forces Assessment and Selection), and SFQC (Special Force Qualification Course). He did NONE of that. He claimed during the call we had with him that he only meant he was assigned to a Special Forces unit, that he was in the communications field, and that he was a sergeant. <insert huge roaring laughter here> If he meant to have said that he would have. He could have said he was assigned to a Special Forces unit in a support role as a 98D Emitter Locator. That would have been easy to understand and also the truth. Anybody assigned to a Special Forces unit or for that fact, anybody on the same military installation as a Special Forces unit knows what a Special Forces Communication Sergeant is.
Once we acquired his resume, along with the initial few emails, we knew beyond doubt he was portraying himself as a Green Beret. As we waited for additional statements from those who worked with him or under him to arrive, we acquired some testimony that he said under oath.
Statements said under oath
He clearly made false statements about his military exploits while under oath so we decided to call him. You can hear the call with him at this link:
👉Phone call with David👈
During the call, he stated he never claimed to be a Green Beret or Special Forces Qualified. He stated he was SOT-A (Special Operations Team-Alpha). To be SOT-A you need to be Airborne qualified, he was NOT. We talked to some SOT-A guys that were there during that time and they said they didn't believe he was SOT-A. They asked what team and battalion he was in. We relayed that to him and he said he couldn't remember. Records don't show him in a Battalion, they show him assigned to Headquarters. Until he can prove he was indeed SOT-A, we believe this is yet another lie.
We think the emails are truthful. We believe he claimed to be a Green Beret. What are some of the lies that former Deputy Police Chief David Morris said?
Special Force Communications Sergeant on his resume: False, he was a non-Airborne Qualified 98D Emitter Locator assigned to 5th Grp in a support role.
Basic Airborne Course: False, he was dropped from the course before it even started.
SFAS (Special Forces Assessment and Selection): False, he never even attempted it, much less completed it.
SFQC (Special Forces Qualification Course): False, he never even attempted it, much less completed it.
Language School: False, he never even attempted it, much less completed it.
49 months in combat stated under oath: False, he had a total of ZERO months in combat.
Senior NCO stated under oath: False, he was a junior NCO.
Total time in the service of 10 years with 4 years Military Intelligence and 6 years SF: False, he served 8 years 2 months, and 29 days
6 years in Special Forces stated under oath False, he served 2 years 3 months and 29 days as a 98D non-Airborne Emitter Locator
SF Arabic Translator 92-03 stated under oath: False, he wasn't even in the service in 2002-2003 and was never a Special Forces Arabic Translator
SF Operator in Iraq: False, he never was an SF Operator, nor did he set foot in Iraq.
PTSD from his time in combat: False, If he has PTSD, it's not from his ZERO time in combat.
SERE School (Survival Evasion Resistance and Escape) being beaten by a Vietnamese instructor; False, He never attempted SERE training.
Being boots on the ground in Grenada doing an investigation with Special Forces: False, He never went to Grenada with SF.
Deploying to Africa after the Kenyan Embassy bombings right after SFQC (Special Forces Qualification Course): False, yet another lie from David Morris.
Getting blown through a wall by an RPG or Grenade during combat in Iraq: False, he was never in Combat, never in Iraq, never blown through a wall.
Having an ODA Teammate toss a grenade from the truck only to blow up right beside them: False, he was never on an ODA, and never was in a vehicle where a grenade was tossed out.
David Morris, you'll now be added to guardiansofthegreenberet.com hall of zeros forever.
#DavidMorris, #DavidEMorris, #DavidEricMorris, #DeputyPoliceChiefDavidMorris, #RoanokePolice