Lance Landrum the fake Green Beret was sent to us on 8/6/22. Less than an hour after he was sent to us, we knew there was a very high probability he was a fraud. We had seen this picture he shared on his social media:

Nobody that served in Group (Green Beret or support) would wear the Shoulder sleeve insignia without the Airborne Tab (And SF Tab if a Green Beret). They are always together.
When you get to the bottom of the picture section, click on the red bar for more pictures to expand.
So we started gathering pictures and claims while we filed a FOIA for his records. It seems he was a vetted member of a Parachutist club in Florida. This club prides itself on being an all-veteran club. Lance Landrum the fake Green Beret claimed his DD214 and all pictures got lost in a fire a while back.
If you've heard Lance Landrum the fake Green Beret make any military claims whatsoever, please email us a statement:
Put his name in the subject. We won't use your name or email address but will use what you write in its entirety so keep that in mind when writing the email. Be truthful but don't mention names or places that will identify you as the emailer.

He had a member of the club vouch for him. We should correct that and say former member as he's since been removed for bringing in a poser to the club. Before we exposed him as a fraud, the club had asked him to request his records. They gave him an SF 180 to fill out and send in for an unredacted DD214. The DD214 never came, yet more excuses did.
Hear the call with Lance Landrum here:
👉Click here for the call with Lance Landrum👈
We had the contact info for his buddy that vetted him into the all-veteran jump club and tried to reach out to him. He wasn't willing to talk to us. When Lance Landrum the fake Green Beret found out we were trying to make contact with his buddy, he sent one of our investigators this message:

It seems he didn't want us reaching out about his buddy.
We checked records back-channel to see what years Lance Landrum the fake Green Beret had served so we would know whether to file with NPRC or HRC. What came back was no service. WHAT???
No service whatsoever? Surely that was wrong so we checked ATRRS (Army Training Requirements and Resources System) and checked SCRA and still not a single footprint in the system. We checked the SF Schoolhouse as we always verify verify verify before we move forward. Again another goose egg.
Although we didn't have an official denial of records from NPRC, we decided to call him and confront him with what we knew so far, he was NOT a Green Beret or Ranger and did NOT get shot in the shoulder in combat. We wanted to ask if he could have gone under a different name long ago, although they usually show up in a background check.
We had 3 calls with him. He quickly caved and admitted he never served a single day in the military yet said his criminal record that we brought up was NOT him. He admitted to the DUI but said the Grand Theft and Embezzlement weren't him. We reached back out to the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Dept for clarification and they said "Unless there's another Lance A Landrum that has the exact same DOB living in the same city, then these are his correct records". You're welcome to verify on your own.
What we share here is a living document and can be corrected, edited, and added to in the future. "If" Hillsborough County Sheriff's Dept decides that they sent the wrong records and email us, we will correct the article. We talked to two different people and they both said that what they sent us is the guy in this article. We redacted more info than they did, such as DOB, Address, and License number.
What does he claim:
US Army Basic Parachutist Badge, False
75th Ranger Regiment, False
101st Airborne, False
82nd Airborne, False
5th Special Forces Group, False
10th Special Forces Group, False
Special Operations Command, False
Combat Infantry Badge,​ False
Bronze Star, False
Purple Heart, False

You can see a bigger version in the picture section. Pic #66
He sent us a half-hearted apology email. We asked that he address all claims and add that he never served in writing. He said it would be forthwith... for over a week. Each day it was a new excuse. It looks like a more detailed one isn't going to arrive.
He also agreed to send all his fake swag back to the Green Beret Foundation. We will hold our breath in anticipation and edit the article if it does arrive.
What's an additional issue is his fake Ranger tattoo:

Many Rangers will have a huge issue with this tattoo when word circulates throughout the community.
He's promised to get it removed and send us progress pictures while it's in the process of being removed. If it arrives at the same time that his revised apology email arrives, we're guessing it'll be around the arrival of Ragnarök.
When a family friend reached out to his wife, she replied that he never claimed to be a Green Beret yet he did serve honorably. That is NOT the case. He never served a single day in the military, period. If he's still telling his wife he served, he's still lying.
After our article came out, Lance Landrum the fake Green Beret sent us this message:

We reached out to Officer Alono to explain we were having a dialog with him in a professional manner. No threats, no harassment, dialog with him responding in kind. He NEVER once asked us to stop messaging. Let us backtrack here and correct this last paragraph...One
We tried to contact Officer Alono at Hillsboro County Sheriff's Department and they have no record of anybody by that name employed with or at HCSO. We thought auto-correct might have misspelled the name so we checked by the HCSO Case #22-650 that was provided. Guess what, that case doesn't exist either. It seems that this is yet another lie by the fake Green Beret Lance Landrum. On a side note, the Hillsboro County Sheriff's Dept said they have no "Officers", They are all Deputies.
Although we knew no case #22-650 existed, nor did officer Alono, one of the people that we're working with, requested a formal response from HCSO. They again confirmed what we were told over the phone:

You can see a better picture in the picture section. Pic #76
Lance Alton Landrum, you'll now be added to guardiansofthegreenberet hall of zeroes forever.
#LanceALandrum, #LanceAltonLandrum, #LanceLandrum,