One hundred men will test today but only three win the Green Beret.

Martin LeBlanc, Green Beret...NOT!!

Where to begin? This is a hard article to create since he has some many claims and the times and dates conflict with each other. For him to do what he claims, he'd have to both teleport and have a clone. There's simply isn't the time to do it.

If he wasn't so dead set on claiming this was a true story of his life, you'd think it was satirical fiction. We think he must have watch to many Jason Borne movies.

If it can be claimed, he claims it. If it can be done, he's done it. Well, maybe not actually done it but claims he has. LOL

Below in the picture section are screen shots of his claims from his book site or his FB book page. 

When you get to the bottom of the pictures, click on the red bar to see more, including his records.




We sent some legit Green Berets to a book signing he had, you can hear the conversation in the link below:

👉👉Legit Green Berets questioning Martin the fake Green Beret👈👈 

He couldn't answer a single question a Green Beret should have been able to answer. He would usually comment as his records were sealed etc... 

Some of his claims:

From the Book:

Near fatal injuries 3 times and lone survivor of two missions: False, He never went to Vietnam or any other place for that matter.

Because of his skill, the Army fast-tracked him “Special” Advanced Individual Training: False

Army Ranger (He claims only 9 of the 40 that started Ranger the 12-week Ranger school training made it through and 2 died during training): False

6 Months after the 12-week Ranger school he was a Green Beret: False

Defense Language Institute: False

His 1st “Major Mission” was to train Israeli soldiers on the Red Eye Missile system to use in the 6-day war in 1967: False, He never went to Vietnam or any other place for that matter.

Provided personal security for Vice President Hubert Humphrey and protected the Democrats during the ’68 convention. Also a Sniper at the same convention sitting on a rooftop perch: False

Phoenix Project: False, He never went to Vietnam or any other place for that matter.

Led a 3 man mission to rescue a CIA asset 60 miles outside of Hanoi. During which he was gravely wounded by both a “mortar and 2 bullets”: False, He never went to Vietnam or any other place for that matter.

Army faked his death in 1969 so he could run top secret black Ops missions around the world hunting bad guys off the books: False, He never went to Vietnam or any other place for that matter.

Led 10 Green Berets on a secret mission in Cambodia in 1973 where all were killed after they were ambushed by 200 Khmer Rouge. He was shot in the thigh, captured, and tortured for 30 hours yet was rescued by 2 unarmed Montagnards that pulled him to safety: False, He never went to Vietnam or any other place for that matter.

After his 2 unarmed Montagnards got him to safety, he took a 2+ year hiatus managing bands in Canada: False, He never went to Vietnam or any other place for that matter.

Delta Force in the ’70s and ’80s across Europe targeting terrorists from the Red Brigade, Irish Republican Army, Bader-Meinhof gang, Russian Oligarchs, and Libya’s Khaddafi: False

His Delta Force team took out 2 Hezbollah leaders after the ’83 bombing of the US Embassy: False

Helped eliminate the Soviet-friendly Government of Grenada: False

Lost his Mission partner during a sniper mission in Afghanistan: False

Tried to warn top Canadian Brass that 3 men were plotting to bomb Air Canada Flight 182 yet they refused to act, en route to 329 deaths and Canada’s worst terrorist incident: False

Became a US citizen in 1998

Green Beret for 20 years: False

Conducted Special Ops with no written orders in Vietnam, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Europe, Colombia, Lebanon, Grenada, The Pacific Shelf: False

Protected Politicians, Celebrities, and others seeking the ultimate bodyguard: False

Was inspiration for the movie Grosse Pointe Blank: False (if true, he really bamboozled some people, LOL)

From his shadow box:

Bronze Star: False, He never went to Vietnam or any other place for that matter.

Purple Heart x 9: False, He never went to Vietnam or any other place for that matter.

Army Commendation Medal: False

National Defense Service Medal: True

Good Conduct Medal: False

Sergeant First Class (E-7): False

Special Forces Pin (That’s called a Distinctive Unit Insignia): False

Air Assault: False

Ranger DUI: False

Ranger Tab: False

Master Parachutist Badge with 2 combat jumps: False, He never went to Vietnam or any other place for that matter.

Expert Infantry Badge: False

Drill Sergeant: False

CIB w/ 2 stars: False, He never went to Vietnam or any other place for that matter.

101st Airborne (He actually refers to this as “Airborne Army Ranger Patch”): False

Upside down SF Shoulder Sleeve insignia: False

White sands Missile Range Patch: False, that's actually a 6th Air Defense Artillery Brigade patch



Watch the video, read the screenshots, leave a comment, and give a 1 star on his book.


Martin LeBlanc, you'll now be added to Hall of Zeroes

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Categories: Hall of ZeroesNumber of views: 27304


5 comments on article "Martin LeBlanc, Green Beret...NOT!!"

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3/12/2020 10:58 AM

Who made the labels for the shadow box of military awards and decorations? Him?

There are some obvious errors (and not only the fact that the SF shoulder patch is missing the Airborne Tab and is upside down).

For example, The shoulder sleeve insignia of the 101st Airborne Division (the "Screaming Eagle") is labeled as "Airborne Army Ranger patch."

But notice there is a mix of insignia in which he actually affirms the information GOTGB recovered through a FOIA request:

1 - The enlisted insignia is that of Air Defense Artillery, (the brass disk of crossed cannon with a missile superimposed) that enlisted branch insignia matches military records that he entered Hawk Missile Crewman training at Ft. Bliss, TX (but apparently failed the course, because he was reclassified as a wheel vehicle driver).

2 - He appears to have added the bar for the U.S. Army Driver and Mechanics badge for [DRIVER-W] to an Expert Marksmanship Badge!? The bar is probably authorized, as he was in fact a wheeled vehicle driver per service records. But the bar does not belong on a weapons qualification badge.

3 - The patch labeled "White Sands Missile Range" is actually that of the Air Defense Artillery Center and School, originally at Ft. Bliss, TX but relocated to Ft. Sill, OK in 2009.

4 - The small brass eagle insignia, labeled as "U.S. Army Pin" is actually the reduced size hat insignia for a female officer (1 5/8" tall, vs. the male officer hat insignia that is 2 3/8" tall).

And so on. Where did the shadow box picture come from?

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3/13/2020 4:08 PM

Are comments active?

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Brian M Whitney

4/27/2020 2:20 PM

Is he still getting 100% disability or was he ever? Whats the deal with this story?

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SuperUser Account

5/29/2020 2:31 PM

No Idea. It's hard to follow up on these guys as the workload is very heavy. We expose them and move on.

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Johnny O

11/14/2020 8:46 AM

It's really pathetic that people try to get away with this type of stuff. I spent 23 years in the Army and retired in 2006 and although would have loved to to be a part of a Special Forces or Ranger unit and go through all of the training, never did it. And it just amazes me the lengths that people will go through to embellish military service.

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Who We Are

We are former and current Green Berets who find and investigate those who falsely claim to be a Green Beret. We will never out someone unless we are 100% certain via FOIA and Bragg.

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This news is pretty sad for me because I knew the guy. The 1998 overwrite should read that he was the commander of C Troop, 1-18 Cav. I don't recall him wearing any tabs or badges. I am glad that a 19th Group (Guard) guy brought this to your attention. To me this casts a shadow of suspicion with anybody in the Guard. He left the Guard prior to GWOT. I think that the Guard did our share in GWOT with multiple mobilizations and deployments. I was mobilized twice, including a year in Afghanistan as an Infantryman. Now I'll wonder if people will think I'm a liar if I say anything about my service. Thanks Eddie...

Scott Berndt:

Talk about a disgrace to the uniform! I can't believe he got away with the fraud all those years. If you go to his website at, it still makes it sound like he has an Army SF background without stating he was one. He even has awards issued by several SF organizations. Sounds like the GotGB still have some hunting to do.

U.S. Naval Aircrewman (90-95):

Wow. Absolutely mind blowing & disgraceful. They should make a documentary about how this turd BS'd his way through the years in order to be in a position to be standing next to Presidents, politicians & celebritys. I get pissed when I think of all the others like him but that have never gotten exposed or caught. Great job catching this s--t turd.

U.S. Naval Aircrewman (90-95):

You can tell just by looking at him that he is a shit bird.

Royal Mons:

If these phonies want to play dress up they should join a re-enactment society and not lie about their fantasies and live off the sacrifice of others.


FRANCO K WEBB is a LYING POSER. He and I were BEST FRIENDS during the time he CLAIMS 7th GP 18D (MY MOS and MY Duty assignment - ODA 755/754, O&I, SWC G Co SFAS, 1st Bn S3).

He was NEVER ASSOCIATED WITH, ASSIGNED TO, in SUPPORT OF, or attended ANY TRAINING that would qualify his claim of being an 18D.

He was a CAR STEREO SALESMAN and INSTALLER on Yadkin Road the ENTIRE TIME I KNEW HIM. We were in Westarea Fire Department TOGETHER and he lived in a trailer on Haretown road.

It APPEARS that he has taken some of MY SF TRAINING, HISTORY and BACKGROUND, claimed it as his own, and further EMBELLISHED those stories for his own video game centered bravado.


SuperUser Account:

He probably never will. The 7th Grp picture he pretends is his is an ODA from the mid-'80s. We've identified all men in the picture. It also looks like he added a Ranger Tab to his website. He's never before claimed Ranger so this is strange.

He and Mike Mika (President of SFA Ch 34) threatened to sue the SFA National if they didn't rescind the letter they sent us, give Rudi a formal apology, and re-instate him as a member in good standing. Of course SFA National refused and nothing came of his idle threat.

Mike Mika has twice, along with Rudi Gresham the fake Green Beret claimed that Rudi spent 12 years in the S.C. National Guard and that's where he attained the rank of LTC. Neither time were they able to produce records that baked up that statement.

SGT P - Rakkasan:

I just looked at his personal website, and it still has a picture autographed by General Yarborough, and a statement that says he served as Yarborough’s Aide. When will this clown give it up? I took screen shots.

Rick Upton:

Why is he working for the VA?


First of all, thank you folks for what you do, what you’ve done, and what you’re willing to do.

Secondly, it is my hope that Mr Prouix owns up to his lies. I have been watching this story and it disgusts me that there are people who would assume to receive the accolades deserved, but never sought, by better, braver, stronger men.

Mr Prouix needs to be exposed. Well done.

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