Sandi Sturgeon the fake Green Beret was sent to us a few years ago. We never could find him in our pay-to-play programs. No property, no voting records, nothing related to his business, nothing when it came to a Sandi Sturgeon, or Sandi Clifford Sturgeon in the United States.
If you've come in contact with Sandi Sturgeon the fake Special Forces Sniper, send us an email to:
Your name and email address will NOT be shared.
Additionally, if you gave Sandi money or donated to a fundraiser he ran, email us that also. After our article, we received 3 emails in one day mentioning 3 different funding drives Sandi ran, asking us if they were legit. We can't answer that, but we can start seeing if others donated or gave him money directly.
When you get to the bottom of the picture section, click on the red bar to expand to more pictures.

Here you see his fake SGT (E-5) rank. Also, the tattoo is a V-42 stiletto with 3 lightning bolts.
In the phone call, he claims his 5 yr old son drew that up. We talked to his son and his son said that was a lie.
You can clearly see Sandi the fake Special Forces Sniper took it from the SF Shoulder Sleeve Insignia. (SSI)
We were never told he was a Canadian citizen. Once we were aware of that, it was very easy to move forward as he wouldn't have been able to get the security clearance needed to serve as a Green Beret.
We initially reached out to Sandi Sturgeon the fake Green Beret and the phone call was very short. You can hear both the first and second call in this link:
👉 Both calls in one link 👈
He pretty much said there's no story, nothing to see here, never happened, move on. He then went straight to removing pictures and comments from social media.
We sent him a text the next day about contacting immigration and we think that convinced him to talk to us. He called us about 5 seconds after he received the text.
We didn't expect to receive a call that quick and weren't in a position to record the conversation so we told him we would call him back after we got home from the grocery store. That time was actually spent booting up the recording equipment.
Once we called him back, he was all over the board about whether or not he claimed to be a Special Forces Sniper. He said he never said it, then he said he only claimed it once in Canada when he was having issues with a Motorcycle Club, then he mentioned two times where he had claimed it... You see, when you lie, it's hard to keep track of what you say.
It looks like he also lied about being the President of a Motorcycle Club in Canada.

👉 Sandy talking about time in Africa 👈
We contacted the national President of the club that he said he was a chapter president of and he wasn't even a hang around much less a prospect or patch holder. Yet another lie of many.
When we told him about the emails, he couldn't deny he had said it anymore.
Some cases are harder than others. This was one of the easier cases we've done. We do have a letter from a veterans group Sandi was a member of. In it, the commander claims Sandi did indeed profess to being Special Forces.

A bigger/better picture can be seen in the picture section #38
After the 2nd phone call, it was simply waiting for more emails to arrive. We were then told about a video of him in his costume doing his detail and we waited for that also.
As we were writing this article, we received a phone call from Canada. We will be adding to this with more screenshots and emails in the next few days.
What are Sandi's claims?
Army: False
Airborne: False
Special Forces Sniper: False
Secret Ops in Africa: False
Special Operations: False
Wounded in combat: False
Jungle Warfare: False
Missions in South America: False
Ambush In a covert mission in South America: False
Service in Vietnam: False
Service in Sierra Leone: False
Secret Missions in Africa: False
Can't return to Canada because of the Mercenaries Act and his time in Africa: False
Killed for the United States: False
Army Commendation Medal: False
Purple Heart: False
Combat Action Badge: False
3 1/2 year Combat Vet: False
2 1/2 years in Africa: False
Panama: False
The highest Parachute jump he had was 43,500 ft: False
38 confirmed kills no idea how many unconfirmed: False
The Army was his therapy: False
Shot twice, bled out the first time: False
Stabbed a few times: False
He was shot in the mouth, that's why he wears false teeth: False
There's no record of him in the military database because his missions were so secret: False
Sandi Sturgeon, you'll now be added to hall of zeroes forever.
#SandiSturgeon, #SandiCSturgeon, #SandiCliffordSturgeon,#SandiSturgeon, #SandiCSturgeon, #SandiCliffordSturgeon,