We were sent Stephen "Grizz" Dukeman the fake Green Beret by someone that knew him in a Fraternal organization they both belonged to. Although they knew as a vetted Green Beret, some of the things he said simply raised too many red flags. They asked us to quietly check backchannel to see if he's legit.
Well, we got records back and they are much different than what he claims.
(When you get to the bottom of the picture section, click the red bar for more pictures)
If you have had dialog with Stephen "Grizz" Dukeman the fake Green Beret and would like to send us an email stating what he's claimed, we can add it to the article. We won't use your name or email address. We will simply screenshot what you send so write your statement with that in mind. Send an email to: contact@guardiansofthegreenberet.com, put his name as the subject.
He claims 5th Special Forces Group:
Here he claims 5th Grp
That is a lie. What's funny is years ago when he became a member of the organization, he had the rank of Captain and a Combat Infantry Badge on his shirt. He was a fat dude then. It seems as he got older and fatter, his rank and awards increased. We see he's now claiming to be a LTC now and added a Star to his CIB along with a Silver Star and Purple Heart.
How didn't anybody notice the additional awards and the promotions over the years and not call him on it? In the two photos above you see the one on the right has him as a Capt (It's hard to read but doable) and the one on the left, he's a LTC?
It looks like he went all-in with a fake tattoo also:
This looks like a very old tattoo, so you wonder how long this fraud has been living the lie.
We called him and it took two attempts as he hung up the first time but we tried a second time after we gave him time to look at our website and he agreed to stop pretending to be one of us. You can hear both calls at this link:
👉Grizz Dukeman on the phone👈
So what did Stephen "Grizz" Dukeman do in the service? He drove a truck. He was a 62E, Heavy Truck Driver. He wasn't Airborne, and he never even attempted Special Forces Training Group. As of this article, he still has all his fake SF Claims, and pictures are still up on his social media.
To show you the lengths at which some of these frauds go to in order to further their lie, look at the photoshopped picture that Stephen "Grizz" Dukeman the fake Green Beret shared, with him stating it was him back in the day:
This is a hilariously bad attempt at photoshop.
Stephen "Grizz" Dukeman The fake Green Beret wouldn't discuss when he started claiming to be one of us yet he did agree to stop the lie moving forward. You can see his records in pictures #27 and 28 along with his lame apology in pictures #29 and 30.
Steven "Grizz" Dukeman, you'll now be added to guardiansofthegreenberet.com hall of zeroes forever.
#StephenGrizzDukeman, #SteveDukeman, #StephenPDukeman