We were sent Steven Morales the fake Green Beret way back in May of 2019 yet had more urgent cases at the time. He somehow slipped through the cracks as other frauds took priority.
Fast forward to July of 2022 and he gets sent in yet again. We went to file for records and found that we already had both a file on him and records in that file.
When you get to the bottom of the picture section, click on the red bar to expand more pictures
So, Steven Morales, the fake Green Beret claimed to have been a Staff Sergeant in 3rd Special Forces Group and to have received a Purple Heart. Both of those are false claims. He also claimed to have earned an Air Assault Badge, also a lie.
What records show is that he was reduced in rank twice.

The portion of his ERB showing a reduction in rank and Reenl/Prohib of 9Z
From an E-4 Specialist to E-3 PFC on 6/21/06 and then from an E-3 to E-2 Private on 03/25/07. His ERB shows 9Z in the Reenl/Prohib section (Weight does not meet acceptable weight standards)
While working the case, we were sent the DD 214 he tried to present to the BMV to get Purple Heart License plates. It's one of the worse fakes we've seen. On his fake

A bigger picture can be seen in picture #2 and his actual DD214 and ERB can be seen in Pic #10 and 11.
On his fake DD214, box 11 clearly shows taped in areas, the DD214 in general has different shading depending on whether it was altered or from the original and his Date of Birth compared to the day he entered the service would make him about 12.
The Fake Purple Heart Certificate he produced (below) was bought online and says Reproduction Run 103 on it. in the bottom left corner.

You can see a better picture in picture #5, and a legit certificate in pic #6
We were told that he whited that area out when he passed it to the BMV to get his Purple Heart plates.
He also shares this SFQC (Special Forces Qualification Course) certificate.

This is a known fake that many frauds but online. Notice the typo. The yellow 1st SFG(A) would never be used on a SWCS certificate. A better picture can be seen in pic #7, and a legit certificate can be seen in pic #8
It seems that this isn't the first time Steven Morales the fake Green Beret has pretended to be something he's not. In 2011, he was charged with the impersonation of a Police Officer. We asked him about it and he sent what we share below:

You can see a better picture in the picture section, #15
We eventually made contact with Steven Morales the fake Green Beret and you can hear that in the link below:
👉 Click here for Steve in his own words👈
He wasn't eager to discuss this matter on the phone and quickly hung up on us. These frauds only show remorse when caught. We don't think he's remorseful, he's pissed that he got caught and has to resign his position as Commander of Cherokee Nation Colorguard.
There are many news articles and interviews mentioning him as a Staff Sergeant and Green Beret with a Purple Heart. It's now our job to contact each and every one of them to try and get them to correct the article and do a follow-up article showing his deception.
Steven Morales the fake Green Beret will now be added to guardiansofthegreenberet.com Hall of Zeroes forever.
#StevenMorales, #StevenAntonioMorales, #SteveMorlaes, StevenAMorales, #CherokeeNationColorGuard, #CherokeeNation, #WhirlwindTails,