One hundred men will test today but only three win the Green Beret.

Charles Kauffman, Green Beret… NOT!!

We initially started looking into Charles Kauffman a few years ago. It was hard to move forward with 18D showing in his records from NPRC. We did some extensive research and decided the proof was beyond doubt that he’s forged Government documents and/or had someone do it for him. We are confident in our findings and are calling him a fraud. 

Click on red bar at bottom of pictures (on some formats) to open up many more pictures.

We believe that sometime between 1984 and 1988, when transferring from active duty with 1/25 inf as a 31V radio systems operator to a reserve unit as a 91B , Charles Kauffman began to wear badges and tabs that he was not awarded including SF, Ranger, Airborne, and pathfinder. He then used evaluations and potentially falsified documents to update his official records. (That is our evaluation based on his official records).

He was reduced to SGT E5 from SFC E7 in NOV 1996 following integrity violations. He was able to reach E6 as a supply sergeant in 2004 before retiring in 2006. Utilizing a falsified DD214, he was able to continue service under government contractors and services until at least 2015. He is part of multiple forums and organizations claiming 18D5P, a non-existent MOS code

We looked into this because this man was forward deploying alongside SF, gained trusted positions in training SF, is known to have implausible claims deteriorating the view of actual SF in multiple communities, and his claims have the very real potential to get our soldiers injured or killed.

Special Forces, Ranger, Pathfinder, and Airborne started showing up in his NCOERS simultaneously in 89, with no precursor. 

He does not have evaluations from 97 to 03. Last NCOER in 04 is as a SSG with promotion orders dated  2 Mar 04 as a supply sergeant. His reenlistment documents in 1990 show that his substantiating records used were his DD214 that was drafted the day prior. The only document stating his claims for the aviation badge, Airborne, Ranger, Pathfinder, and SF Long Tab, were a single bullet on an NCOER. He would have  had to accomplish everything  in just 2 months and 6 days from 85-90 while on active orders in the reserve. The only official quals he received in that period were Flight Medical Aidman in 88 and his reclass to 91B in 85 totaling 3 months and 2 days. The remaining 2 months and 6 days out of the 5 months and 8 days he was on active status were served drilling with no orders to attend any other school.

He had to have shown up to the reserve in 84/85 with either false documents and stories of where he came from while wearing the badges and tabs and had his 214 updated.

False DD214s are still very common as it only takes one person, usually a private to update the document. Kauffman, an E7 at the time, had no problem having his updated to reflect his uniform. Personnel offices in 1990 would have no way to verify the claim without formal investigation. Officially, while leaving active duty from 1/25 inf in 84, none of his additional qualifications existed in his records. 

SSG (R) Charles Kauffman has many claims of grandeur since his enlistment in the army in 1979. I listed his claims as improbable. But, it is impossible to carry out a small fraction of his claims in the time frames that he claimed. The evaluation above is based off his records and Individual Unit data bases.

Verified using his Name/DOB/SSAN that Charles Kauffman did NOT complete SOCM, SFMS, SOFMSS, SOCMSSC, SFQC, or any legacy program associated with the basic Medical credentialing of a Special Forces Medical Sergeant (18D or its predecessor)

Positions potentially obtained through false claims


DynCorp International

MPRI- Military Professional Resources Inc Contractor

Combat Medic Instructor at AMERICAN SYSTEMS

Paramedic at North Cypress Medical Center—ER

Senior Flight Medic Instructor at American Systems

Mentor/member PTSD Foundation of America

1979 Enlisted as 31V under Airborne Contract follow on the 1/75 Ranger Battalion Did Not Complete





IET Fort Benning Georgia extended due to UCMJ

1981- 1984

MOS: 31V2O

Unit: HHC 1/21 INF, 25ID, Schofield Barracks, HI Active

Rank: PFC-SGT 1 Aug 83

Notes: As of 24 AUG 1984: ARCOM x 1, AAM x 1, GCM x 1, ASR, OSR (HI), Expert badge (Rifle, Hand Grenade, M1911 pistol)

Total active service as of AUG 1984: 4 yrs 10 mos 27 days

Total inactive service as of AUG 1984: 0 yrs 1 mos 16 days 


MOS: 91B3F

Unit: 273d Medical Detachment (Helo Amb), Texas Reserve

Rank: SGT 1 AUG 83 - SSG 6 Jun 87

Notes: 1988-1989 first claims of Airborne, Ranger, Pathfinder, Special Forces in documents (would all need to have been completed in 5 months and 8 days)

Total active service as of NOV 1990: 5 yrs 4 mos 6 days Admin Error in file

Total inactive service as of AUG 1990: 5 yrs 8 mos 8 days Admin Error in file


MOS: 91B4F


Rank: SFC 18 Sep 89

91A and 91B instructor

Utilized false DD214 as substantiating document for reenlistment

Claimed Special Forces Association Affiliation on NSQ (verified via the SFA he was never a member)


MOS: 91B4F

Unit: 273d MED DET

Rank: SFC 18 Sep 89

Unit Hoist Trainer, ANCOC

Total active service as of OCT 1994: 5 yrs 9 mos 11 days Admin Error in file

Total inactive service as of OCT 1994: 10 yrs 3 mos 5 days Admin Error in file


MOS: 31U4O

Unit: HHC, 36th Bde, 49th Armored Division

Rank: SFC 18 Sep 89, SGT 2 Nov 1996 Investigation for integrity violation


MOS: 91B2

Unit: 536th Support BN

Rank: SGT 2 Nov 1996


MOS: 91B2O

Unit: 302 MP CO DET 1 CBT

Rank: SGT 2 Nov 1996

Total active service as of AUG 2000: 5 yrs 9 mos 11 days Admin Error in file

Total inactive service as of AUG 2000: 17 yrs 0 mos UNK days Admin Error in file


MOS: 91W2O

Unit: 451 CA BN DET, Reserve

Rank: SGT 2 Nov 1996

Failed to Qual as Civil Affairs


MOS: 91W2, 92Y3O

Unit: Madigan Army Med, 15th QM, 961st QM CO 319th CSB

Rank: SGT-SSG 5 Feb 2004

Commended for no injuries in OIF II (5 mos 18 Days), Non-combat related injury in Iraq

Total active service as of JAN 2006: 7 yrs 10 mos 15 days

Total inactive service as of JAN 2006: 18 yrs 5 mos 3 days

Retired 4 Jan 2006

SSG, 92Y3O

961 Combat Service Support

1.    DD 214  

 a.    Aircraft Crewman's Badge: Probable, graduated flight medical aidman jan 1988. DD214 problem, on February 29, 2000, the Department of the Army officially changed the name of the Aircraft Crewman Badge to the Army Aviation Badge.

b.    Parachutist badge: False, No substantiating record

c.    Pathfinder badge: False, No substantiating record

d.    Special forces tab: False, No substantiating record. Not in database at the schoolhouse.

e.    BSM W/V: No substantiating record, improbable 

f.    ARCOM 4th award: No substantiating record, UNK

g.    AAM 3rd award: True

h.    AGCM: True

i.    NDSM: True

j.    AFR: True

k.    Expeditionary medal: No substantiating record, probable DEP OIF II

l.    HSM: No substantiating record

m.    NCOPD 3rd award: True

n.    ASR: True

o.    OSR 2nd award: True, HI station, Iraq OIF II

p.    Army Reserve Component Overseas Training Ribbon: No substantiating record, probable

q.    Armed Forces Reserve Medal with M Device: True, OIF II 

r.    Ranger Tab: False. No substantiating record

s.    GWOT Expeditionary medal: True, Qualifying deployment to OIF II

t.    Purple Heart: Possible ? Non-combat related injury in a combat zone 2004

2.  Claims:  

a.    Rank: 1SG- False

b.    Service stripes: 28 Years- False, Total active service as of JAN 2006: 7 yrs 10 mos 15 days, Total inactive service as of JAN 2006: 18 yrs 5 mos 3 days.Calculated Retirement at 10 years 1 month 25 days service

c.    Combat service stripes: 4.5 Years – False 5 mos 18 days

d.    DUI: 1st SFC DUI- False

e.    Unit Awards: No substantiating record

f.    SOCOM Unit deployment patch: False, No substantiating record

g.    Combat medics badge: False, No substantiating record, did not combat deploy as medic

h.    Blue infantry cord: False, Not authorized for wear IAW AR 670-1

i.    Foreign Jump wings: False, No substantiating record

j.    Service as an 18D: False,  no record (Verified beyond doubt)

k.    Silver Star: False, no record

l.    Green Beret: False, no record (We verified via SF schoolhouse)

m.  Member of SFA: False, no record (We verified via SFA)

n.    Ribbons and awards totaling 23: No substantiating record, improbable

o.    Ranger Regiment: False, no record

p.    1st SFG: False, no record

q.    1st SFC/USASFC: False, no record

r.    SFOD-D: False, no record

s.    MFF: False, no record

t.    MFF JM: False, no record

u.    CDQC: False, no record

v.    SLJM: No substantiating record, improbable

w.    Advanced Tactical Practitioner: False, no record

x.    Paramedic: True

He agreed to send his fake swag back to the Green Beret Foundation. The GBF sent a picture of the stuff he sent and we added it at the end of the picture section.

Charles Kauffman, fake Green Beret, you'll now be added to the Guardians of the Green Beret Hall of fakes, Frauds, and Phonies, Top Ten.



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Categories: TOP TEN ZEROES, Hall of ZeroesNumber of views: 57105


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We are former and current Green Berets who find and investigate those who falsely claim to be a Green Beret. We will never out someone unless we are 100% certain via FOIA and Bragg.

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Recent comments


This news is pretty sad for me because I knew the guy. The 1998 overwrite should read that he was the commander of C Troop, 1-18 Cav. I don't recall him wearing any tabs or badges. I am glad that a 19th Group (Guard) guy brought this to your attention. To me this casts a shadow of suspicion with anybody in the Guard. He left the Guard prior to GWOT. I think that the Guard did our share in GWOT with multiple mobilizations and deployments. I was mobilized twice, including a year in Afghanistan as an Infantryman. Now I'll wonder if people will think I'm a liar if I say anything about my service. Thanks Eddie...

Scott Berndt:

Talk about a disgrace to the uniform! I can't believe he got away with the fraud all those years. If you go to his website at, it still makes it sound like he has an Army SF background without stating he was one. He even has awards issued by several SF organizations. Sounds like the GotGB still have some hunting to do.

U.S. Naval Aircrewman (90-95):

Wow. Absolutely mind blowing & disgraceful. They should make a documentary about how this turd BS'd his way through the years in order to be in a position to be standing next to Presidents, politicians & celebritys. I get pissed when I think of all the others like him but that have never gotten exposed or caught. Great job catching this s--t turd.

U.S. Naval Aircrewman (90-95):

You can tell just by looking at him that he is a shit bird.

Royal Mons:

If these phonies want to play dress up they should join a re-enactment society and not lie about their fantasies and live off the sacrifice of others.


FRANCO K WEBB is a LYING POSER. He and I were BEST FRIENDS during the time he CLAIMS 7th GP 18D (MY MOS and MY Duty assignment - ODA 755/754, O&I, SWC G Co SFAS, 1st Bn S3).

He was NEVER ASSOCIATED WITH, ASSIGNED TO, in SUPPORT OF, or attended ANY TRAINING that would qualify his claim of being an 18D.

He was a CAR STEREO SALESMAN and INSTALLER on Yadkin Road the ENTIRE TIME I KNEW HIM. We were in Westarea Fire Department TOGETHER and he lived in a trailer on Haretown road.

It APPEARS that he has taken some of MY SF TRAINING, HISTORY and BACKGROUND, claimed it as his own, and further EMBELLISHED those stories for his own video game centered bravado.


SuperUser Account:

He probably never will. The 7th Grp picture he pretends is his is an ODA from the mid-'80s. We've identified all men in the picture. It also looks like he added a Ranger Tab to his website. He's never before claimed Ranger so this is strange.

He and Mike Mika (President of SFA Ch 34) threatened to sue the SFA National if they didn't rescind the letter they sent us, give Rudi a formal apology, and re-instate him as a member in good standing. Of course SFA National refused and nothing came of his idle threat.

Mike Mika has twice, along with Rudi Gresham the fake Green Beret claimed that Rudi spent 12 years in the S.C. National Guard and that's where he attained the rank of LTC. Neither time were they able to produce records that baked up that statement.

SGT P - Rakkasan:

I just looked at his personal website, and it still has a picture autographed by General Yarborough, and a statement that says he served as Yarborough’s Aide. When will this clown give it up? I took screen shots.

Rick Upton:

Why is he working for the VA?


First of all, thank you folks for what you do, what you’ve done, and what you’re willing to do.

Secondly, it is my hope that Mr Prouix owns up to his lies. I have been watching this story and it disgusts me that there are people who would assume to receive the accolades deserved, but never sought, by better, braver, stronger men.

Mr Prouix needs to be exposed. Well done.

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