John Medlock was sent to us by an SF Brother who met him on a flight. Here’s the message we received:
This guy was wearing a big 5th Group hat with all kinds of pins with scuba, JM wings, and Halo wings, CIB. He claimed 5th Group from 1969-1974 and then Delta from 1974-1989. Two tours in VN, tunnel rat, shot in shoulder first tour and leg in second tour.
However, he couldn't tell me his first ODA or Team Sergeant. Said he worked with the 82nd doing Tow Missile and other weapons training when in 5th Group.
It got worse, when he said his team in VN was 151 (I kept pressing for an ODA), but I reminded him that he said he was a 5th Grouper. Then claimed he was attached to 1st Group. Winner was that he retired as a SFC because he bit a snakes head off during a Senators and wives demo and also punched a LT!
My first clue was when he said that 10th Group (my Group and said to him upon intro) was in Italy. Ugh!
So, we got his records and low and behold…. The skeletons we keep...
Looks like John L Medlock the Fake Green Beret had problems both in the service and after.
In Pictures #14-15 we see the Army started Court-Martial Proceedings on him and in pictures #4, 11, and 16, it looks like he touched stepdaughters and served 8 years of a 20 year sentence. Usually we don’t include criminal records unless it reinforces deception and/or lies etc… These charges would fall under deceiving the public, along with friends, and family into thinking you’re a good person when in reality, you’re evil. Nobody gets a pass from touching kids.
So, do records (pictures #12-15) confirm his claims… Not even close:
Combat Infantry Badge (CIB): False
Special Forces Tab: False
Master Parachutist Badge: False
Military Freefall Badge: False
82nd doing Tow Missile and other weapons training when in 5th Group: False
Delta 1974-1989: False. Attention Frauds, do research on when units were stood up before you run your lie.
Two Tours in Vietnam: False
Tunnel Rat: False
Shot in Shoulder on 1st tour: False
Shot in leg on 2nd tour: False
ODA 151 in 5th Grp attached to 1st Grp: False
13 Years 3 months, JFK Special warfare: False
Retired as a SFC because he bit a snakes head off during a Senators and wives demo (Per GB heard during flight): False
Staff Sargeant (per LinkedIn): False, a SSG would know how to spell Staff Sergeant.
John Medlock, aka John L Medlock, aka John Lawton Medlock, you'll now be added to hall of zeroes
#JohnMedlock, #JohnLMedlock, #JohnLawtonMedlock